Hunting Thoughts
November 20, 2023

Now that hunting season is upon us there seems to be no end of things that you want to remember to do to take with you. If you’re camping or you’re staying with friends or if you’re just staying in motel.

I find that it’s one of my favorite times of year. You can go out and see friends. You can see things that you enjoy even if you don’t get a chance to hunt. We find that one of our favorite places to go is Eureka Nevada . We usually stay at a friend’s ranch called The Depot which is the old rail station in Eureka. We get a chance to see friends. We look at the countryside thing that we’ve always done whenever we’ve gone out is that you leave it as pristine and clean as what you found it and if there are people who incidentally or accidentally dropped things along the trails ,or out their car windows ,you just pick it up and put it in the trash can or trash bag that you take with you. It’s open beautiful valleys mountains and there’s so much wildlife open, beautiful valleys, and mountains and there’s so much wildlife .Unfortunately this year we discovered that the big bucks had not come down from the mountains and the does were not in season so our trip mainly consisted of 14 days of taking in the scenery and climbing up and down hills and mountains and it was very warm.

The joke on us was, we didn’t miss any shots because there was nothing to shoot at. I suppose some people might think that’s a funny thing to say but it’s more true than not when it comes to hunting. We did come across one very small forky which is too little tiny horns and you just you don’t shoot those. Venison is my favorite meat and I would love to have it but you don’t want to shoot what you’re not going to eat and we are not headhunters, we are meat hunters so he gets to live another year and we came home with nothing. Hopefully next year we’ll get tags again and be able to do a full hunt and enjoy ourselves but until then we’ll just have to wait. I do love to be in the outdoors though. In hunting season, it is absolutely beautiful, the colors are gorgeous this time of year and this year especially. Never fails to make me admire what true beauty is in the world.

Our grandson has a buck tag but his will be using a slug as it’s in a populated area and this will be his first hunt so it should be interesting to see how well he does. If he truly likes it. he’s a senior in high school and 18 years old almost so we’ll have to find out how he does but he’s all outfitted, has all of his clothing and his guns and our guns and we’ll just have to see next weekend what happens.